A commodities benchmark is some type of standard which you can compare an investment by. A standard is very helpful for people trying to figure out how much profit they are making compared to other investments. People looking for high rates of returns may want to use other standards than those looking for long-term and safer purchases.
The type of commodity you choose is also important. If you choose to trade crude oil, then you will want to compare your trades or investment to indexes that are made of energy commodities. This will give you a more accurate picture of the value your investment holds compared to the rest of the market.
When you are trading crude oil, you will want to compare your investments to an energy index. If you are trading in a soft commodity, then you will want to compare your trades with an index weighted to soft commodities. You will also want to compare your investments to investments that are similar in size to your investment. So an ETF in gold should be compared with a precious metals commodity index while an ETF which follows agriculturals like wheat should shadow an index weighted to agriculture.
A very common index used to compare various commodities is the Rogers International or RICI, while others include the CRB, the Goldman Sachs and DJ AIG commodity index. Using these indexes allows you to measure how your investments are doing compared to the whole market. By knowing how your investments are doing compared to the whole market, you will know if you are in the right area of the commodity market. This will be able to help guide you to the right place for your money. By using this strategy, you will be able to put your money in the most profitable parts of the marketplace.
When using a commodity benchmark, you should always keep in mind that you want a relevant investment index for comparison. This is important, because the risk and growth factors are very different in various investments. If you are placing your capital in sugar, then you would not want to compare your investment to LME aluminium prices. If you did this, your sugar trade would appear to have a low return, even if it performed better than the industrial metals.
You want to make sure that your index has similar goals and strategies for the investors who purchase them. If you are looking for high growth, then you should compare your investment to high growth indexes.
For commodities investments, you will want to compare your investment to commodity indexes. This will show you if your investment is as profitable as other investments that are of the same risk level.
If you want a broad view of how an investment is doing compared to commodities, then you will want to use a commodities index. This will give you guidance as to how your investment is performing compared to other investments of a very similar nature. When you use properly chosen benchmarks to judge your investment's performance, you are able to guide your capital to the most profitable investments available for your money. - 31869
The type of commodity you choose is also important. If you choose to trade crude oil, then you will want to compare your trades or investment to indexes that are made of energy commodities. This will give you a more accurate picture of the value your investment holds compared to the rest of the market.
When you are trading crude oil, you will want to compare your investments to an energy index. If you are trading in a soft commodity, then you will want to compare your trades with an index weighted to soft commodities. You will also want to compare your investments to investments that are similar in size to your investment. So an ETF in gold should be compared with a precious metals commodity index while an ETF which follows agriculturals like wheat should shadow an index weighted to agriculture.
A very common index used to compare various commodities is the Rogers International or RICI, while others include the CRB, the Goldman Sachs and DJ AIG commodity index. Using these indexes allows you to measure how your investments are doing compared to the whole market. By knowing how your investments are doing compared to the whole market, you will know if you are in the right area of the commodity market. This will be able to help guide you to the right place for your money. By using this strategy, you will be able to put your money in the most profitable parts of the marketplace.
When using a commodity benchmark, you should always keep in mind that you want a relevant investment index for comparison. This is important, because the risk and growth factors are very different in various investments. If you are placing your capital in sugar, then you would not want to compare your investment to LME aluminium prices. If you did this, your sugar trade would appear to have a low return, even if it performed better than the industrial metals.
You want to make sure that your index has similar goals and strategies for the investors who purchase them. If you are looking for high growth, then you should compare your investment to high growth indexes.
For commodities investments, you will want to compare your investment to commodity indexes. This will show you if your investment is as profitable as other investments that are of the same risk level.
If you want a broad view of how an investment is doing compared to commodities, then you will want to use a commodities index. This will give you guidance as to how your investment is performing compared to other investments of a very similar nature. When you use properly chosen benchmarks to judge your investment's performance, you are able to guide your capital to the most profitable investments available for your money. - 31869
About the Author:
The author, Selwyn Petrov, pens articles exclusively on commodity trading and associated matters. Learn more about the interesting features of commodities benchmarks here.