Tips on Sugar Commodity Trading, Watch Sugar Commodity Prices

By Marianna Gomes

Traders looking at sugar commodity trading as a way to gain exposure to commodities as an asset class have some great opportunities, particularly with global agricultural prices looking set for long term increases. In the early 1970's sugar prices surged over 60 cents a pound and by over 40 cents a pound in the early 1980's at the tail end of the 1970's commodity bull market. Following the adverse impact of the global economic crisis in 2008, commodities in general and sugar commodity prices in particular are advancing strongly again, with sugar prices are at their highest for 28 years.

There are numerous cases of serious sugar shortages as desperate consumers across Asia queue for small quantities of this key commodity. To think that while in 2007 India was a major exporter of sugar, with a surplus of five million tons, but from 2009 the country is a net importer. So what has caused this serious imbalance between world sugar demand and supply? After the shock of the global economic crisis, the US dollar is falling against other currencies and hopes of a strong rebound are causing real asset prices to be driven higher. Add in the weak monsoon season in India and very unhelpful weather for sugar plantations in Brazil, impacting adversely on sugar yields, and the result is raw sugar prices heading for a high of 25 cents a pound.

Preparing for your sugar commodity trading analysis, find out where sugar comes from, in what forms and consider the recent phenomenon that threatens to change the dynamics of global sugar commodity markets in future. Between 75-80% of sugar comes from sugarcane, produced in over 100 countries globally, largely from the tropical and sub-tropical areas of the southern hemisphere. Rainfall is important for successful crop yields, with ideally around 600 mm needed annually. In addition to bad weather, crop infestation due to pests is another variable causing a rise in sugar prices on world commodity exchanges.

The top producing nations are Brazil, which is also the largest exporter in the world, India, China, the EU, USA and Australia. One key factor which distorts world sugar markets is the subsidy regime in the US and Europe, which supports producers by giving them prices higher than the world price. Sugar is used in a range of fruit and vegetable formulations, in bread fermentation, and increasingly as source material for ethanol fuel.

In 2007 there was a very tight balance between supply and demand, a situation almost certain to worsen as demand is expected to surge in developing Asia, particularly in BRIC nations like China and India. The largest consumer in the world is India, which is allocating far more sugar for ethanol as an alternative fuel. The world's third largest consumer and producer is China, and it is starting from a very low base of only 7kg per annum per capita consumption compared to USA per capita consumption of 45kg per annum.

Brazil is the largest world producer and understanding this market will help your sugar commodity trading strategy. Brazil aims to avoid a sugar glut by using the potential excess sugarcane crop to produce ethanol for biodiesel, an alternative to petroleum-derived gasoline. Growing use of sugar to produce ethanol has arisen alongside increases in crude oil prices and a surge in demand for sugar in China. With high crude oil prices likely in the future coupled with growing demand, producers face huge challenges to avoid higher sugar prices.

Armed with your chosen commodity trading system and good advice from your professional financial adviser, you can trade from almost anywhere in the world with good internet access. The #11 Raw sugar futures on the ICE US Futures platform is the most heavily traded sugar futures contract globally, followed by the #16 Sugar futures contract. It is also possible to use LIFFE CONNECT, part of the NYSE Euronext Group, to trade raw sugar futures. For those hesitant about leveraging in futures, an alternative could be to look at a soft commodity index using an ETF. Broadly speaking, higher sugar prices suggests sugar commodity trading looks very exciting going forward, given growing sugar consumption in the BRIC economies and rising demand for bio ethanol. - 31869

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Candlestick Guide

By Ahmad Hassam

Candlesticks have become popular in the Western trading community especially the United States in the past decade. However, candlestick charting methods had been developed by Japanese rice traders hundreds of years back.

In the last two decades there have been seismic changes in the way people used to trade. The advent of internet has leveled the playing field for traders whether they trade stocks, futures, options, commodities, precious metals or currencies. Access to the market is now only one mouse click away.

Internet has made commission rates dramatically lower. Market information is now in most cases freely available online. The result is that a whole generation of new traders and investors want to try their luck beating the market.

Did you attend the last Steve Nison Candlestick Charting Technique webinar? Now, you should. Steve is the master of candlesticks and you can learn a lot from attending his candlestick. I am a great fan of candlesticks charting and I have seen many traders both new and professionals becoming die hard fans of candlestick charting. Why? Because candlestick charting is the best tool available. Can you beat the market? It depends if you are using the right tools.

Why candlestick charting is superior to other forms of charting like the line charts, bar charts or point and figure charts? One of the best features of candlestick charting is its visual appeal and readability. You can glance at a candlestick chart and quickly gain an understanding of whats going on with the price action in the market.

Opening and closing price levels can be a very important area of support and resistance from day to day. You can easily spot and opening and closing price of a security or currency on a candlestick chart.

This information can be extremely useful for short term traders like day traders and swing traders. There are certain specific candlestick patterns that can help you identify when is the best time to buy, sell or wait on a trade or investment.

Learning how to spot these candlestick patterns is very important for you. In order to trade and invest effectively using candlestick charts you need to understand these candlestick patterns. These candlestick patterns can be a real boon to your trading and you can combine them with other technical indicators for even more reliable results.

Patterns appear on the candlestick charts as simple, single stick occurrences or complex multi stick formations. Many different types of candlestick patterns can tell you what may lie ahead in the market.

You may use the information provided by candlestick patterns to decide when to get into a trade, when to get out of a trade or even when to hang unto a trade you are already in. This information can be highly valuable in knowing that the prevailing trend might reverse or continue.

This is the best candlestick guide in the market and you dont need to waste your money on buying a guide because this candlestick guide is a complementary gift for you from the Options University. Download your 82 page candlestick guide here complete with strategy flash cards all free. - 31869

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Spot Forex (Part I)

By Ahmad Hassam

The spot forex market is an over the counter market. The spot forex market is a decentralized network of buyers and sellers. There is no physical central exchange that acts as a central clearing house.

Over the counter means that the buyers and sellers make a binding contract with each other after agreeing on the price and this is not carried through an exchange unlike the forex futures trading that is carried out through the exchange like CBOT, CME etc.

Forex traders in the spot forex market carry out their activities by dialing directly with one another or through brokers on telephone or internet. There are several advantages of a central exchange like the counterparty risk for the trades is reduced. There is trading anonymity something that big players want to hide their trails.

In 2007, Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) along with Reuters launched FXMarketSpace; the worlds first centrally cleared global forex market place. In this centrally cleared system, CME will act as the clearing house and guarantee the performance of all the contracts for both buyers and sellers.

Only sophisticated investors with net worth of more than $20 Million can trade on the FXMarketSpace. Unfortunately FXMarketSpace is an institutional trading platform and is not open to retail forex traders.

There are many players involved in the spot forex market. Recently NFA (National Futures Association) had also passed certain new rules that make it more skewed against the small investor like you and me. The spot forex market is still skewed against the retail forex trader. Why is it so?

Previously spot forex trading was the playfield of the big banks, multinationals and the hedge funds. With the advent of the internet, it became possible to introduce trading platforms for the retail investors.

A mushroom growth of online forex brokers took place. Many did not have even enough capital with them to start the brokerage business. But this is the way; the spot forex market has developed over the years.

Why these players trade forex? What type of advantages they have over the retail forex traders? It is essential for you that you understand the nature of the spot forex market and who are the main players. Off balance sheet earnings are the declared aim of most banks and spot dealing in forex which represents a high loss potential but practically no credit risk falls in that category.

Over the counter (OTC) means that the spot forex market is spread all over the globe with no central location! Over the counter nature (OTC) of the spot forex market means that currency transactions do not take place at any single place. No government oversight and no central deal book to compare trades means that the banks can pretty much do whatever they want to their unsuspecting customers.

A players access to the spot forex market depends on the quantity of transactions of large amounts of money. Players in the spot forex market range from those who trade billions of dollars daily to those who only trade just a few thousand dollars daily. Now who are the main players in the forex market against whom you as a retail forex trader will be competing? - 31869

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Dont Trade Without A Stop Loss (Part I)

By Ahmad Hassam

Do you have a trading system that tells you when to enter the market? Lets assume that you already have got a trading system that tells you where to enter the market. Does this system also tell you where to get out before you enter the trade?

On the road to profitability, lets start by agreeing that we need stop loss exits. In other words are you taking the market conditions into account and willing to give your trade a breathing space so that you dont get whipsawed or repeatedly get stopped out.

After this agreement, we need to determine how to effectively select stop loss exits to avoid excessive stop outs. Just dont forget, the more trades you place, more commissions or spreads you will have to pay and the higher your trading cost will be.

So right there you can increase your profitability if you increase the number of winning trades that is your win ratio thereby decreasing your trading cost. The best way to do this is to develop a stop loss strategy that takes into account currency market conditions.

There need to be a connection between you and your trading system. It truly is like having a personal relationship. Finding the right trading system can be a lengthy process. You must believe in your trading system and have a high degree of trust that it can produce consistent level of profits overtime.

But you must also understand that no trading system can be perfect and no trading system can produce 100% winning trades. If you have a trading system that isnt working for you and your win ratio and your payoff ratio dont generate a profit over time then you need to rethink your trading strategy.

Determine if it is your trading system that isnt working or is it your trading psychology that is off. Make adjustments to entry and exits. Maybe the market conditions have changed and you havent adjusted your trading system to the new market conditions.

Just keep this in mind that if you dont give your trading system a chance to work jumping constantly from one trading system to another trading system in search of a holy grail wont help you.

Divorce of any kind can be emotionally and financially expensive so proceed with caution when divorcing your trading system. The decision to divorce your trading system should be a carefully thought out one.

If you feel comfortable and confident with your trading system, you ultimately will also be profitable. The primary purpose of your trading system is to make you feel comfortable and confident.

In the end, you need to develop a relationship with your trading system. You will feel confident when your trading system has proven to you and you have proven to your trading system that both can work together. Its a team work. - 31869

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Forex & Other Markets (Part I)

By Ahmad Hassam

The New York time between 3:00 PM EST to 7:00 PM EST is best suited for scalping with the counter trend strategy. Off hours between 3:00 PM and 7:00 PM EST is when all the world banks are closed. The U.S. banks are closing their doors and the Asian banks have not yet opened. This is a great time to scalp the market using a counter-trend strategy, because no larger banks are moving money (i.e. the markets) at that time. Just as with the London close, there is no set way in which the New York afternoon market plays out. On more active days where prices have moved significantly, the lower liquidity can cause additional outsized price movements. So traders just need to be aware that lower liquidity conditions tend to prevail and adapt accordingly.

The forex market does no exist in a vacuum. Why do investors need to exchange their domestic currencies for foreign currencies? You may have heard of other markets that exist like the gold, stocks, bonds, oil, futures and commodities.

There is a fair amount of noise and misinformation about the supposed relationship among these markets and the individual currency pairs. You can always find some correlation between two markets over time.

However, always keep this in kind that all the various financial markets are markets in their own right. All these individual financial markets function according to their own internal dynamics based on data, news, positioning and sentiment.

You should view each market in its own right perspective and trade accordingly. These markets will occasionally overlap and display varying degrees of correlation due to various underlying economic factors.

Lets discuss some major financial markets and see what conclusions we can draw for currency trading. Its always important to be aware of whats going on in the other financial markets.

Gold: Gold is commonly viewed as a store of value in times of economic and political instability and uncertainty. Gold is also considered to be an alternative to the US Dollar and a hedge against inflation.

A weaker US Dollar is generally accompanied by higher gold prices and a stronger US Dollar is accompanied by lower gold prices. Over the long term, the relationship between Gold and US Dollar is mostly inverse or negative.

In the short term, the relationship between gold prices and US Dollar may not be as solid as it has been historically in the long term. This makes short term relationship between the gold prices and US Dollar generally tenuous. However, in the short term, each market has its own dynamics and liquidity. Overall, the gold market is much smaller than the forex market. There is only a limited and finite quantity of gold. No major gold mine has been discovered in the past many decades. Only the discovery of a major gold mine can bring the prices of gold right now.

Gold traders tend to keep an eye on whats happening to the US Dollar. At the same time, extreme movements in the gold prices tend to attract currency traders attention and usually influence the US Dollar in a mostly inverse fashion.

Oil: A lot of confusion is usually spread on the relationship between oil and US Dollar and other currencies like CAD and JPY. Correlation studies show no appreciable relationship to that effect in the short run which is where most of the currency trading is focused. The idea behind these theories is that if the country is an importer of oil, its currency will be hurt by the higher oil prices and helped by lower oil prices. - 31869

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Forex & Other Markets (Part II)

By Ahmad Hassam

The lower the prices of oil, the lower the inflationary pressures are going to become but this is not always true. The higher the price of oil, the higher the inflation would be and the slower the economic growth is going to become. Take oil as an inflation input and a limiting factor on the overall economic growth. Rising oil prices tend to retard economic growth that in turn depreciates the domestic currency. When you see oil prices making major moves, watch for the currencies that have a strong relationship with oil to make major moves as well. Some currencies have a positive correlation with oil meaning that when oil prices go up, the value of the currency also goes up. Other currencies have a negative correlation with oil meaning that when oil prices go up, the value of the currency goes down. If you can, utilize those currency pairs that have one currency with a positive correlation and one currency with a negative correlation in the pairing, like the CAD/JPY. This will help you not only make profits in your forex trading but also offset the additional expenses in your budget that will be brought on by rising oil prices.

The global oil reserves are finite. With the rising energy demand in emerging economies like China, India and Brazil, the prices of oil are expected to rise and reach around $200 per barrel in the coming few years. We would like to factor changes in the prices of oil into our inflation and growth expectations and then draw conclusions about the course of US Dollar from them. Above all, oil is just one input among many.

Stocks: You must have invested in stocks sometimes back. Many people invest in stocks. Buy and hold is the best strategy that has been followed over the years by the stock investor. Almost everyone is familiar with stocks and the stock markets. You can take stocks as microeconomic securities rising and falling in response to individual corporate results and prospects. Stocks are units of ownership rights that get traded on the stock exchanges.

You can think of individual countries as companies and their currencies as stocks that get traded in the global financial markets. Currencies are essentially macroeconomic securities fluctuating in response to wider ranging economic and political developments. There is no intuitive reason that stock market should be related to the forex market. Virtually nowhere else does the forex market serve as the perfect hedge for your investments than in the stock market? If you are a longer term investor who enjoys the long range returns of the stock market but who doesnt enjoy watching your account value drop whenever the stock market cycles through a downturn, you can offset your losses in the Forex market.

There was a boom in the Tokyo Stock Exchange a decade back. Many investors wanted to take part in that boom. But in order to invest in Japanese stocks, they needed Japanese Yen (JPY). Heavy buying pressure on JPY made it appreciate. So sometimes a relationship develops between a stock market and a currency for the time being. However, long term correlation studies bear this out that there is no major relationship between stocks and currencies. Major USD currency pairs and the US equity markets over the last five years have almost zero correlation coefficients. However, the two markets occasionally intersect.

The US stock market may drop on an unexpected hike in the US interest rates while USD may rally on the surprise move. For example, when equity market volatility reaches extraordinary levels like when S&P 500 Index loses 2% in a single day, USD may experience more pressure than it otherwise would have. But there is no guarantee of that.

Bonds: When interest rates are on the rise, at some point, doing business becomes difficult, and when interest rates fall, eventually economic growth is energized. The bond market rules the world. Everything that anyone does in the financial markets anymore is built upon interest rate analysis. Globalization is here to stay. At the center of the globalization phenomenon is the entity known as the bond market. As a futures trader, you are likely to deal mostly, but not exclusively, with the U.S. Treasury bond futures. However, over the next 10 or 20 years, or perhaps sooner, the European bond market, and more than likely bond markets in Dubai and China, will play significant roles in the global economy.

That relationship between rising and falling interest rates makes the markets in interest rate futures, Eurodollars, and Treasuries (bills, notes, and bonds) important for all consumers, speculators, economists, bureaucrats, and politicians.

Both the bond market as well as the forex market reacts to interest rate changes. Bond or fixed income markets have a more intuitive relationship with the forex markets as both are heavily influenced by the interest rate expectations. However, the short term supply and demand fluctuations interrupt most attempts to establish a viable link between the two markets on a short term basis.

Just about every country in the world with a convertible currency has some kind of bond or bond futures contract that trades on an exchange somewhere around the world. Sometimes, the bond markets more accurately reflect the changes in interest rate expectations with the forex market doing the catch up. At other times, the forex markets react first and fastest to the shifts in the interest rate expectations.

Changes in the relative interest rates exert a major influence on forex markets. As a forex trader, you definitely need to keep an eye on the yields of the benchmark government bonds of the major currency countries to better monitor the expectations of the interest rate market. - 31869

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Understanding Spot Forex Market (Part II)

By Ahmad Hassam

There is a select club that really rules the spot forex market. These big banks make an exclusive club where most trading activities take place. This club is known as the Interbank Market. The worlds big banks are the main players in the spot forex market.

Unlike other markets, the interbank market operates on the principle of highest credit standing in dealing with the counterparty in any forex transaction. For this reason, big banks prefer to deal with big banks only. As a result smaller fish are shut down the line from the interbank market. Down the hierarchy in the spot forex market are the smaller banks, big multinational companies, hedge funds and other institutional investors or speculators and the retail forex brokers. The wealthier you are and the more money you have or are able to get credit for, the more chances you have of accessing this big boys club.

These players conduct currency transactions in the interbank market if they have large capital and have credit standing with the large banks. The independent retail traders lie at the bottom of the market structure.

So there is no central exchange in the spot forex market to set the prices. Then who sets the currency prices? The retail forex trades trade through their forex brokers. They generally trade in much smaller lot sizes. Central banks are also occasionally involved in currency transactions. Unregulated nature of the spot forex market as well as poor governmental oversight lets the forex dealers to behave the way they want. Because of the tight knit nature of the forex market and its lack of regulation, the spot forex market is an unfair market for the nonprofessional to operate in.

Market makers make the bid and ask prices based on the currency movements that they anticipate will take place. Without a central exchange, the currency prices are set by the market makers.

Largest banks are the major market makers and they handle billions of dollars worth of forex transactions on behalf of their clients like the other institutions and companies and also for themselves. Many banks have professional traders solely dedicated to trading forex for speculation.

This big money laden network is knows as the interbank market. Interbank market is where large banks deal with one another. The resulting massive flow of money handled by these big banks is what primarily drives the currency markets. The interbank market is not a perfect market. Since the information is not freely available, market access is restricted, manipulation takes place, governments intervene and a large number of participants in the market routinely buy and sell currencies irrespective of profit which all comes together to turn conventional trading wisdom on its head in this range bound market.

Most of the trading activity takes place in the interbank market. The transactions carried out by these big banks like the Citigroup, Barclays, UBS, Deutsche Bank etc amounts to the greatest bulk of the total daily forex volume.

The banks deal directly with one another through the electronic brokering platforms like the Electronic Brokering Services (EBS) or Reuters Dealing 3000 Matching. These brokering services get the best available rates for the various currency pairs.

The banks establish specific credit lines with one another in order to deal with one another in the forex market as there is no exchange to serve as each banks counterparty. These brokering systems match buying and selling requests from the bank dealers. Between these two competitors they connect at least 1000 banks together.

Smaller banks that also trade forex also get access to these brokering platforms. Next large companies come. As the main market makers, these big banks constantly quote bid and offer prices to one another thereby making the market. Unlike the exchange traded markets like the NYSE where the market maker has the responsibility to quote the same price to two different parties, a forex dealer in the interbank market may quote whatever price he wishes to his clients. Good customers receive decent prices but for irregular or complicated clients it becomes practically impossible to receive fair market prices. - 31869

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By AHmad Hassam

EUR/USD is the most heavily traded currency pair in the global currency markets at the moment. Trading currencies can be exciting and lucrative. Its a great market because of the way politics affect the trends. Elections, strikes, and sudden developments, both good and bad, can lead to significant trading profits if you stand ready to trade the euro is a convenient currency because it encompasses the policies and the economic activity and political environment of a volatile but predictable part of the world: Europe.

France, Italy, and Germany, the largest members of the European Union (EU), normally operate under high budget deficits and tend to keep their interest rates more stable than the United States, where the free-market approach and a usually vigilant Federal Reserve make more frequent adjustments on interest rates.

The general tendency of the Fed is to make the dollar trend for very long periods of time in one general direction. Aside from the technical analysis, here are some general tendencies of the euro on which you need to keep tabs:

- The European Central Bank is almost fanatical about inflation, given Germanys history of hyperinflation in the first half of the 20th century and the repercussions of that period, namely the rise of Hitler. That means that the European Central Bank raises interest rates more easily than it lowers them.

2) EUR/USD pair is affected by what is happening politically and economically both in Europe and the US. The European Central Banks actions become important when all other factors are equal, meaning politics are equally stable or unstable in the United States and Europe, and the two economies are growing. For example, if the U.S. economy is slowing down, money slowly starts to drift away from the dollar. In the past that meant money would move toward the Japanese yen; however, because the market knows that Japans central bank will sell yen, the default currency when the dollar weakens is often now the euro.

3) EUR/USD currency pair is heavily influenced by the political developments in the Eurozone. Especially when the European economy is slowing The flip side is that the market becomes jittery and often sells the euro during political problems in the region.

As a word of caution, its okay to form an opinion and have some expectations, but the final and only truth that should make you trade is what the charts are showing you. As usual, you want to closely monitor major currencies and the cross rates. The direction that counts is the one in which the market is heading.

It is always best to choose only two or three currency pairs and become a specialist in them. Fundamental analysis can help you determine the strong/weak currency pair. Use fundamental analysis to determine if USD is expected to lose value and EUR is expected to gain more strength that means that the currency pair EUR/USD is perfectly timed for swing trading. Use technical analysis to make the entry and exit decision. Combining fundamental analysis with the technical analysis can give you the edge as a forex trader. - 31869

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Top Coffee Commodity Trading Tips, Watch Coffee Market Fundamentals

By Marianna Gomes

There are some great opportunities for coffee commodity trading observers to make some gainful trades, after a UN agency report urged that global food production needs to rise by over 70% by 2050. With crude oil coffee has over the years been a top traded commodity, so clearly any notable change in coffee futures prices are followed closely, particularly when a dramatic change in weather can impact crop yields. Good rainfall levels are key for this popular commodity, and so you will find most coffee beans grown in countries between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.

Climate is crucial for success in achieving good yields as well as having an optimum temperature range of between 17 and 23 centigrade and favourable soil conditions. A recent Cafedirect report showed the gradual damage caused to coffee farmers in developed countries. One clear impact of rising temperatures is coffee growers needing to move to higher altitudes. Another effect is more disease caused by pests due to the temperature rises. The climate change challenge is significant to coffee growers because the beans can only grow properly in a relatively narrow temperature range.

For those who follow coffee commodity trading the two main varieties of economic importance are Arabica and Robusta, both highly traded futures on global commodity exchanges. While the largest global coffee producer is Brazil with around 34 million (29% global output) 60-kg bags of coffee in 2007/8, and mainly Arabica, the US is the biggest world consumer and importer of coffee. In second place with a 15% world share at 17.50 m bags (Robusta) is Vietnam, while Columbia with a 11% share was third producing Arabica, and with production of 7.0 m bags in 2007/8 Indonesia was fourth largest producer.

Arabica, which represents about 70% green coffee bean production, is grown in warm, humid climates at altitudes above 4,000 ft, and this combined with the soil conditions helps it achieve its characteristic aromatic flavour. Arabica is mainly grown in the high altitudes of Latin America, such as Brazil, Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador and Columbia. One of the best grades of Arabica coffee in Brazil is Santos, where the beans are picked within the first 4 years of the coffee tree's life. Normally with Arabica there is a long lead time of 4-5 years, while with the lower quality Robusta, grown in South East Asia, the beans are picked after 2-3 years.

A drought can lead to coffee futures prices rising because a crop yield collapse hits supply. Lower crop yields due to higher than normal rainfall may also lead to higher prices. The crop for both current and the following year can be affected by freezing, which can be a problem particularly in Latin America for Arabica varieties in the higher altitudes. Over recent years serious freezing has occurred once in every six years in winter (June to August) months in the southern hemisphere, according to data. The coffee commodity trading observer needs to weigh up all these factors before they enter trades.

The appearance of white blossom on coffee trees points to the first stages in coffee bean growth, after which over a period of between two weeks to 6-9 months green cherries appear, eventually becoming red and then black cherries. Each cherry holds two coffee beans. Most coffee production uses the "dry" method where cherries are stripped off the tree. Then the green beans are dried and graded, ready for shipping and roasting. On average about 2,000 cherries (4,000 beans) yield a pound of coffee.

With your coffee commodity trading system set up and having approached a broker for an electronic trading platform, you are ready for profitable coffee trades. On ICE Futures US there is a Coffee "C" futures contract which is the Arabica benchmark, while the exchange also offers a Robusta futures contract. Alternatively, with NYSE Euronext route there are two Robusta coffee futures contracts available to trade on the London LIFFE market, along with other soft commodities like white sugar, raw sugar, cocoa and rapeseed. If you only want exposure to soft commodities without trading futures you could invest in an agricultural ETF, tracking a soft commodity index. With these derivative and investment funds you have a good choice for gaining exposure to dynamic coffee commodity trading markets. - 31869

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What Is Fibonacci Trading? (Part I)

By Ahmad Hassam

What is Fibonacci trading? Fibonacci trading is based on the famous Fibonacci number series. Whether you trade stocks, futures, commodities or currencies, you will find Fibonacci trading techniques highly useful. The good thing about learning the Fibonacci trading techniques is that once you master it in one market you can use it in other markets as well. Did you see the movie, The DaVinci Code? You will find a scene in the movie where the characters talk about the Fibonacci number as part of a clue or code of some sort.

Fibonacci trading techniques are based on a series that was discovered in the 13th century by an Italian Leonardo de Pisa. Over the years many interesting characteristics have been discovered on a few ratios derived from this series. The Fibonacci series starts with 0 and 1 and goes out to infinity with the next number in the series being derived by adding the prior two. What are Fibonacci numbers? For example, 0+1=1, 1+1=2, 1+2=3, 2+3=5, 3+5=8, 5+8=13, 8+13=21, 13+21=34, 21+34=55, 34+55=89, 55+89=144, 89+144=233, 144+233=377.

Fibonacci trading is based on using those ratios in your trading entry and exit decisions. What is so fascinating about this series is that there is a constant found within the series as it progresses to infinity. This constant is known as the Golden Ratio, Golden Mean or Divine Proportion. The Fibonacci series is like this; 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610, infinity.

Take any two consecutive numbers in the series after the first few and you will find the Golden Mean by dividing the higher number with the lower number. For example, 89/55=1.618, 144/89=1.618, 233/144=1.618, 377/233=1.618, 610/377=1.618, 987/610=1.618 and so on. The inverse of 1.618 is 0.618.

Identifying support and resistance is very important in forex trading or for that matter any other trading. How do you identify support and resistance? Fibonacci ratios are usually used by traders to identify support and resistance. What is most important to forex traders is that applying these ratios can help identify key support and resistance zone in the market and therefore determine key trading opportunities or setups. The Golden Ratio can also be found in many places in nature like flowers, shells, fossils etc.

Thus the application of Fibonacci ratios can give you the edge as a forex trader if you use the Fibonacci trading technique properly. We have already discussed the Golden Ratios 1.618 and its inverse 0.618. The main ratios used in everyday analysis are 0.382, 0.50, 0.618, 0.786, 1.000, 1.272 and 1.618.

It is assumed that you have a computer, a market data source such as and a technical analysis program to manipulate that data since you are trying to look into a type of technical analysis. You should be proficient with the technical analysis program.

There are three types of Fibonacci price relationship namely, retracements, extensions and price projections (sometimes also called price objectives). We will look into each type of these relationships individually. The Fibonacci price analysis calculations can be done by hand as well but they are time consuming and tedious.

Support is when the buying pressure overcomes the selling pressure and the decline in the price is reversed at the support level. The definition of a support is the price area below the current market where you will look for a possible termination of the decline and where you would consider to becoming a buyer of whatever currency pair you are trading. Each of these Fibonacci price relationships will be setting up potential support or potential resistance in the chart that you are analyzing.

Similarly resistance is price area above the current market where you would look for the possible termination of a rally and consider being a buyer. - 31869

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What Is Fibonacci Trading? (Part II)

By Ahmad Hassam

Fibonacci Price Retracements: How do you identify a possible support level once the market pulls back from a high? Fibonacci price retracements are run from a prior low to high swing using the ratios 0.382, 0.50, 0.618 and 0.786 to identify possible support levels as the market pulls back from a high.

Retracements are also run from a prior high to low swing using these same ratios looking resistance as the market bounces from a low. Most basic technical analysis software will run the Fibonacci retracement levels for you when you choose the swing you want to run them from.

Multiply the length of the swing (from low to high or high to low) by the retracement ratios and then subtract the result from the high if you are running low to high swings or add the results to the low if you are running high to low swings in case you want to understand how to calculate the Fibonacci price retracements yourself.

Fibonacci Price Extensions: It is important to know possible price extensions to make stop loss and take profit decisions. Fibonacci price extensions are almost similar to the Fibonacci Price retracements in that they are run from the prior lows to highs or from prior highs to lows using only two data points to run the price relationship.

There are times when a pullback can retrace beyond the original starting point and exceed 100 percent of the initial wave or trend. So a Fibonacci extension is essentially a correction that exceeds the low of the initial trend. What is the difference between the Fibonacci Price Extensions and Fibonacci Price retracements? The difference between the Fibonacci price extensions and the Fibonacci price retracements is that we are running the relationship of a prior swing that are less than 100% or retracing the price move whereas with the extensions we are running the relationships of a prior swing that are extending beyond 100% of it.

Fibonacci Price extensions are run from prior low to high swings using the ratios 1.272 and 1.618 for potential support. They are run from prior high to low swings using the ratios 1.272 and 1.618 for potential resistance. These two techniques are named differently to indicate whether the price relationship is occurring within the prior swing or extending beyond it.

Fibonacci Price Projections: We use 1.00 and 1.618 ratios to run the projections. Fibonacci price projections are run from three data points and are comparing swings in the same direction. They are run from a prior low to high swing and then projected from another low for possible resistance or they are run from prior high to low swing and projected from another high for possible support.

What are Price Clusters? Price clusters identify key support and resistance zones that can be considered to be trade setups. A price cluster is the coincidence of at least three Fibonacci relationships that come together within a relatively tight range.

Three is just the minimum number required to meet the definition. A price cluster can also develop with a coincidence of more than three price relationships. You may see five to ten price relationships come together in a relatively tight range. There are times when you see these large clusters develop not too far from the current market activity and they tend to act like a magnet for price. Now Fibonacci price analysis will become very easy for you with a little bit of practice on a good technical trading software. - 31869

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